As a matter of fact, the human body is a matter that occupies space, both in life and even in death – so, the body matters.
Devils strove with angels over Moses’ body (Jude 9) – so, your body matters.
Elisha’s body retained the anointing even at death (2Kings 13:21) – so, your body matters.
God prepared Christ a body (Hebrews 10:5) – so, your body matters.
The Holy Spirit resurrected Jesus’ body rather than create another one (Romans 8:11) – so, your body matters.
Christ will resurrect the bodies of His saints (1Thessalonians 4:16) – so, your body matters.
God will resurrect the bodies of the wicked for judgement (Revelation 20:11-15) – so, your body matters.
Demons do everything they can to remain in the body of their host (Matthew 12:43-45) – so, your body matters.
The body of the saint is the temple of God through the Holy Ghost (1Corinthians 3:16) – so, your body matters.
The cosmetic industry turned out five hundred and thirty-two billion dollars in 2017 – so, your body matters.
It is not a coincidence that everyone’s finger print is unique – so, your body matters.
Ancient civilisations developed means to preserve the body even after – so, your body matters.
Occult people usually need human body-parts for their higher rituals and charms – so, your body matters.
Satanists as well as all witchcraft users do all they can to collect bodily fluid to perpetuate wickedness against people – so, your body matters.
The body contains blood; blood contains life; life matters – so, your body matters.
The body matters because it matters to God – so, your body matters.
You cannot afford to use your body anyhow. Be responsible about what you put on your body. The stakes are too high because your body matters.